Healing Powers of Bubble Baths

Baths are a great way to relax, destress, and allow us to pamper ourselves, and by submerging ourselves in warm water it will calm our nervous system, reduces our stress and anxiety levels, plus genuinely improves our moods. Warm baths can stimulate the production of serotonin, a chemical in our brain which is associated with happiness. Bathing offers comfort and it allows our minds and bodies to relax.

Cleanse in a warm bath, bubble baths help to you to remove dead skin and impurities. Did you know that heat opens your pores and allows for effective purification? It is important when you select a bubble bath that it does not have any toxic or harsh chemicals in it, which ruins the detoxification effect. Synthetic fragrance can be an offender. Another detoxifying effect of bathing is the hot water, you need to make you sweat, that allows the toxins to leave your body, and boosts your lymphatic system.

Did you know that our bodies are mostly made of water, about 60% of water, that is why we need to stay hydrated? Always recommended to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily, bathing in warm water helps to hydrate the body and our skin. Taking warm baths (without harsh soaps or chemicals) also improves several skin ailments. If we add a moisturizer while your skin is damp is highly recommended.

Submergence in water aids to reduce pain and inflammation in your muscles and body, taking bubble baths a great way to help our bodies heal. Allowing our muscles to relax stimulates blood flow and lowers tensions. Taking a hot bath, comparable to using a heating pad, increases the temperature of aching muscles which provides pain relief. Did you know that heat gets your blood moving, which is spectacular for your circulation, also helps sore or tight muscles to relax? Adding Epsom salts to our bubble baths, will further soothe our sore muscles. 

When you immerse yourself in warm water the heat increases your blood circulation, making the blood flow easier. Use heat to induce better blood flow, take a warm bath it will make your heart beat faster and will give it a healthy work out. Bathing helps oxygenate the blood by allowing you to relax and breathe more slowly and deeply. Taking regular warm baths can help reduce blood pressure, an overall importance for overall health.

A good sweat induced by a hot bath can burn as many calories as taking walk. Bathing has also been shown to have a similar anti-inflammatory response on the body to exercise.

Soaking in a warm bath is known to stimulate your immune system, decreasing your chances of contracting a cold, and helping you to fight infection if you have one. Recommended that you keep yourself warm when suffering from a virus, helps certain elements of your immune system to function more efficiently. A nice warm bath is a gratifying way to keep warm. The inhalation of steam is also an excellent remedy for cold symptoms, clearing out the nasal passages while reducing inflammation - a steamy bath is phenomenal for this.

The benefits of getting ample quality sleep for overall health and well-being are well-known, however many still struggle to fall asleep each night. One of the indications to the body that it is time for sleep is a drop in our internal body temperature, which then signals the body to start producing melatonin, a hormone that prepares us for sleep. Taking a soothing warm bath before bed can induce a better night's sleep by kick-starting the body to start a downshift in temperature by first heating it up. Our bodies get colder at night naturally, but giving the cool-down process a nudge by heating yourself up artificially first is a proven trick to wind down and start feeling tired.

I highly recommend to recharge, restore, and luxuriate in a warm bath this weekend, or any night of the week, you will feel like a new person.


National Sons Day - March 4